New BIONET compound releases for August 2019

We are pleased to highlight some of the new products available from BIONET. Since the last update we have added to Building Blocks, Biochemicals and the Screening & Fragments Collections with a selection of new products.

In the next couple of months Steve will be attending:

21st – 23rd August
27th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference, Nottingham, UK

8th – 11th September
20th SCI/RSC Medicinal Chemistry Symposium , Cambridge, UK

16th – 19th September
Discovery on Target, Boston, MA, USA

Email Steve if you want to meet for a chat about BIONET Products or to see how Key Organics can fill a gap in your Chemistry requirements.

The BIONET Collections now contain over:

  • 1,400 BIONET Biochemicals
  • 116,000 BIONET Building Blocks/Research Intermediates
  • 30,500 BIONET Fragments
  • 55,000 BIONET Screening Compounds

The BIONET Collections have been updated and the complete databases in zipped sdf format are available now from our downloads page.

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