Analytical Services

Services & Support

Key Organics provides access to high-end analytical services and support for the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, petrochemical and allied industries, including;

Our dedicated team of experienced and qualified staff can deliver these services, and working with the Chemistry team can also support PRI synthesis -for robust process control and known impurity quantification purposes.

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Services & Support

Our analytical department is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, which includes;

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Bruker 400MHz AVIII NMR equipped with a 1H/13C multinuclear probe. Utilising Topspin and ICONNMR software, the instrument is capable of performing routine 1D experiments and 2D experiments such as COSY, HSQC, HMBC, and NOESY –plus variable temperature and solvent suppression experiments.

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Agilent LCMS, comprising an Agilent 1260 LC, equipped with a binary gradient pump and a multiple wavelength UV/Vis detector. Coupled to an Agilent 6130 Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, the instrument is capable of analysing a wide range of samples.
Waters LCMS, coupled to a Micromass ZQ 2000 mass spectrometer, with ESCi probe.

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Preparative LC

Our Waters LCMS is also equipped with a preparative-scale pump, sample manager and fraction collectors –to perform mass-directed fraction collection.

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Agilent 1100/1200 HPLC systems, equipped with binary gradient pumps and diode array detectors.

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Gas Chromatography

Agilent 6890 GC, equipped with autosampler, split/splitless inlet and flame ionisation detector.

Whatever your requirement; from single analyses to more complex projects, we will be happy to review your request and provide a quotation.

Please contact us for further information on how we can add value to your projects and programmes

What Do We Do

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An overview of how Key Organics can be your solution provider.

Price competitive global leaders in fee-for-service synthetic organic chemistry provision.

Extensive experience in the development work required to take your project from gram to kilogram scale.

Carefully designed “three component” compound (E3 ligase binder, linker, protein-of-interest binder) to harness the cells endogenous waste disposal machinery.

Combining Key Organics/BIONET and NMX proprietary fragment collections with high-throughput biophysical screening technologies.

More than 44,000 fragments that can be individually selected, allowing you to build bespoke fragment sets of size and composition best suited to your research needs.

All your key compound management activities including compound procurement, receipt, storage, formatting and distribution needs.

We offer a range of chemistry, sales and marketing, and technology consultancy services that can be specifically tailored to your needs.

High-end analytical services and support for the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, petrochemical and allied industries.

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